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2024 Special Year-End Giving

As years accumulate, it’s easy for expectations to spiral downward and go from fresh and flourishing to flat and floundering. But God’s Word challenges us to set our later-year expectations high:

We heard a rabbi recently share, “One of the secrets of getting good at getting older is having younger friends.”

It’s hard to put into words how blessed we feel to have younger friends join us in the leadership of YES! Dan & Shani Parotti officially joined the YES! staff in May. They have been busy raising their support and expanding the outreach of YES!, including helping with our first-ever webinar, leading a workshop at a national senior adult ministries conference, and taking an intergenerational missions team of fourteen last month to southern Brazil.

As you can imagine, moving from one to two shared salaries is a big leap. We covet your prayers and financial support.

Right now the need for unrestricted YES! gifts is high, and that’s this 2024 year-end initiative’s primary focus. $35,000 in unrestricted giving will put YES! in a healthy, debt-free position as we move into the new year. And, of course, we want Dan & Shani to flourish as they take this huge step of faith. Designated gifts to their support, over and above regular giving, are also welcomed and encouraged.

The mission of YES! starts with these four words: TOGETHER WITH ALL GENERATIONS. Partnering with this spiritually anointed couple (a generation younger) underscores the strength and wisdom of this preamble. We ARE better together. Generational isolation can hold us back. Staying fresh and flourishing are more attainable as we collaborate with those younger.

We’re excited to see where this collaboration continues to lead, and thank you for being a part of this adventure with us.

Good news! Some generous supporters have already contributed over 79% of our $35,000 goal, and we invite you to join us in raising the final $7300 before 2025. Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering a gift now.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Wes & Judy Wick, YES! Founders