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Half Two


Some of your strongest kingdom impact may still lie ahead of you. We invite you to buy Half Two, read it and live it:

Let’s together pursue God’s best on this Life-Beyond-Fifty vision trek. Unforeseen hurdles lie ahead in this second-half quest to make it WHOLE, make it HIS, and make it COUNT.


  • Navigates this twisted, sometimes-bumpy terrain and offers practical alternatives to generational segregation, self-absorption, and non-viral faith.

  • Equips churches with a stronger kingdom focus and vision for the burgeoning over-fifty population.

  • Underscores vital roles younger generations can play in inspiring adults decades older, while also benefiting from their mentoring.

  • A great resource for adults in life’s second half and their leaders, who want to carve new, effective, biblically-grounded ministry paths.