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Women Connect

women connect e-newsletters

Sometimes the ordinary gets lost in the social media hustle. We can unwittingly put a price tag on people who are influencers, have huge followings, or get a zillion ‘likes’ for anything they post. 

Then there are those who have never written a book, hosted a podcast, spoken to a large group, or sung to the masses. They may not even be on social media. But when you meet them - you just want your friends to know them too. There’s something really special about them...'influencers' in their own right, shining Jesus’ light in their corner of the world. 
Every other Wednesday, from November ‘23 thru October ‘24 we featured such a woman. In Spring ‘25 Shani Parotti and I will be teaming up on another story-rich YES! newsletter.  We’d love for you join us.

judy popineau wick