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Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 6
9:00 AM09:00

Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 6

YES! is partnering again with the Southern California (West Coast) processing center in Orange County: 4200 Bonita Place in Fullerton, CA.

YES! will enlist volunteers for a 6-hour shift, the first December Saturday, from 9 AM to 3PM. Both standing and sedentary work stations are available.

Space through YES! is limited, so please mark your calendar now for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. Click above for more complete information and here for the Samaritan’s Purse registration link.

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Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip 2026
to Feb 27

Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip 2026

  • Directions to Gleanings (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Registration for 2026 is now open. Please click the Gleanings link above for a more complete overview of the upcoming trip.

Now for nearly twenty years, YES! takes annual week-long treks to Gleanings in Dinuba, California, south of Fresno.

GLEANINGS FOR THE HUNGRY - Feeding the world’s needy - physically and spiritually.

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Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 7
9:00 AM09:00

Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 7

YES! is partnering again with the Southern California (West Coast) processing center in Orange County: 4200 Bonita Place in Fullerton, CA.

YES! is enlisting volunteers for a 6-hour shift, the first December Saturday, from 9 AM to 3PM. Both standing and sedentary work stations are available.

Space through YES! is limited, so please mark your calendar now for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. Click above for more complete information and here for the Samaritan’s Purse registration link.

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Brazil Missions Trip 2024
to Nov 23

Brazil Missions Trip 2024

  • São Francisco do Sul Brazil (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to join forces with Pastor Andrew and Julie Vargas, in southern Brazil! Our focus is to help expand their ministry center to better accommodate the demands of their growing church and ongoing ministry opportunities. 

Our Mission Includes...

Working together with the Brazilian church volunteers, to refurbish and build-out a new Sunday school wing. This new ministry space will accommodate the growth of their children’s ministry and give added space for kids education and outreach programs.

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IMPACT DAY! with SF City Impact
9:00 AM09:00

IMPACT DAY! with SF City Impact

Celebrating City Impact’s 40+ years of impact in the Tenderloin, YES! is joining the effort to recruit volunteers for one day this summer! The Serve-Day conference begins with a worship gathering in the morning, and then serving the Tenderloin community through a variety of exciting outreaches.

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Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip
to Feb 23

Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip

  • Directions to Gleanings (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Registration for 2024 is now closed. Please click the Gleanings link above for a more complete overview of the upcoming trip.

Since 2008 YES! has been taking annual week-long treks to Gleanings for the Hungry. in Dinuba, California, south of Fresno.

Beyond the very fulfilling work that is accomplished, the fellowship and spiritual encouragement are incredibly rich. Not to mention the wonderful food and accommodations!

Each winter adults serve at the Gleanings vegetable soup plant to mix dehydrated vegetables donated in bulk and mixed together to make a very nutritious soup mix.

The soup is packaged in quart and gallon plastic bags which are then packed in barrels or boxes and sent world wide with God's Word to help the poor and needy. Missionary organizations use the soup to reach families, in feeding programs, schools and orphanages.

Quilts are also made at Gleanings, also going out internationally to people in need.

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Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 2
9:00 AM09:00

Operation Christmas Child Processing Center - SATURDAY, DEC 2

YES! is partnering again with the Southern California (West Coast) processing center in Orange County: 4200 Bonita Place in Fullerton, CA.

YES! is enlisting volunteers for a 6-hour shift, the first December Saturday, from 9 AM to 3PM. Both standing and sedentary work stations are available.

Space through YES! is limited, so please mark your calendar now for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. Click above for more complete information and here for the Samaritan’s Purse registration link.

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YES! Adventure in San Francisco's Tenderloin District with City Impact
to Sep 15

YES! Adventure in San Francisco's Tenderloin District with City Impact

Are you ready for a new adventure?

YES! Young Enough to Serve is teaming up with City Impact for a weeklong outreach into the inner city of San Francisco.

Besides meaningfully serving those in the Tenderloin, one of the goals of this outreach is that you would return home with a greater vision of how God might use you to impact your community.

Click here for more details and registration.

Click here to go directly to the registration form.

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Pull & Pray! Weed with us for a couple hours this Saturday!
10:00 AM10:00

Pull & Pray! Weed with us for a couple hours this Saturday!

Prayer Mountain

996 Lockhart Gulch Road - Scotts Valley

Saturday, May 6, 10 AM to Noon

followed by a light lunch

As you can imagine, with the volume of rain this winter and spring, weeds aplenty have sprung up on this beautiful campus dedicated to prayer.

Continue uphill and park near the main field. Wear grubbies, and please bring gloves and small weeding shovels/trowels, if you have them. Feel free to bring an extra set for those (like the students) who likely don't have them.

A quick RSVP to YES! will help us with our lunch count.

Several UCSC students from the Asian American Christian Fellowship plan to join us, so this is a great opportunity to get to know them, while serving together.

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9:00 AM09:00

Dress a Girl Around the World


Our next Santa Cruz Dress a Girl SewFest will be August 20th at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos; 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We will be making festive Christmas dresses.  Other surprises are in store, as well!

Since we have so many new volunteers, I am also attaching a copy of "How to make a dress from our ready-to-sew kits."  Please review the instructions to be sure you understand how to make the sturdiest, most beautiful sundress possible.

Barbara Taylor, Area Ambassador
Dress a Girl Around the World, Santa Cruz

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11:30 AM11:30

YES! Luncheon

Potluck. Please bring a good-sized portion of your favorite recipe!  A wonderful time to connect with friends, sing hymns, hear tips on precautions seniors should take to ensure their homes are safe.  We will be sharing ways we can be more missional in our neighborhoods and living communities. 

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Afternoon YES! Matinee: War Room

Prayer Mountain

996 Lockhart Gulch Road - Scotts Valley

Saturday, February 13, 3 PM

Great way to celebrate Valentine’s Eve with someone you love!

Come early to stroll the gorgeous grounds and take time to pray.            


Limited seating. They request you take your shoes off before going into the chapel. Please wear (or bring) socks. And sorry, no food or snacks in the chapel, water only.

No charge. Free will offering box in auditorium for gifts to Fasting Prayer Mountain.

An outstanding venue to show an amazing story on the power of prayer.  We trust this visit to Prayer Mountain – if your first – will be the beginning of a new favorite spot to connect with God!

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Dress-a-Girl Sewfest
9:00 AM09:00

Dress-a-Girl Sewfest

  • Monschke Hall - Twin Lakes Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Some exciting things are planned for November 7th!  Even though it’s not even winter yet, we will call this SewFest “LOVE IS IN THE AIR”---a VALENTINE/SPRING theme.   We will be sewing Valentine’s Day and Easter dresses for girls around the world.  We’re not certain where they will wind up but we have many possibilities brewing in Haiti, Australia, Malaysia, and/or Laos.

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2:15 PM14:15

Casa de Fruta Senior Retreat

  • departing from Christian Life Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

YES! will be taking a group from Santa Cruz to Casa de Fruta for the twice-annual Californa Old Fashioned Camp Meeting, leaving the Christian Life Center parking lot at 2:15 PM. We are joining this week-long camp meeting east of Gilroy on Tuesday evening only.

We will be guests at a camp-hosted BBQ potluck. (You're welcome to bring some meat, but they have told us it's not necessary.) A Vespers service follows the BBQ, and then the evening service features CHARLES CRABTREE as the camp speaker.

If you play an instrument, please bring it with you.

Please let us know if you're coming and if you're able to help with transportation, as needed.

Fill out my online form.
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11:30 AM11:30

YES! Luncheon

Please note the time change---one week later than originally communicated. 

Our next monthly YES! luncheon will start out at McDonald's in Scotts Valley for an optional serve-yourself lunch and then off in a caravan by noon to Fasting Prayer Mountain, just a mile or so away. This beautiful spot, dedicated as a getaway for prayer and fasting, is an overlooked gem right here in Scotts Valley (near Mission Springs).

We hope you'll come for the rich fellowship and then want to return on your own later for some personal times of prayer and reflection. We'll meet there in the Small Chapel, situated on level ground with adjacent parking.

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Declare God's Power to the Next Generation
to Sep 11

Declare God's Power to the Next Generation

  • Pinecrest Christian Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wes & Judy Wick from YES! are privileged to be the morning speakers for this Southern California camp hosted by Second Half Ministries of the Assemblies of God at beautiful Camp Pinecrest, near Lake Arrowhead, CA.

Please visit their website for full information.

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Creating a Legacy Conference
to Aug 21

Creating a Legacy Conference

  • Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for this exciting and meaningful conference hosted by Mount Hermon.

Creating A Legacy is a rich conference experience that invites us to pause and think about how the choices we make today will impact the future for those we love, and to be intentional about living into the unique legacy that is shaped by our story.

Wes & Judy Wick from YES! will be among the many workshop leaders. Please visit the Mount Hermon website for full details and registration information.


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YES! Mexico: July 2015 Missions Trip to Rancho De Sus Niños
to Jul 24

YES! Mexico: July 2015 Missions Trip to Rancho De Sus Niños

  • Google Calendar ICS

Consider joining YES! on our first missions trip outside US borders!

Rancho De Sus Niños is a multifaceted ministry located in eastern Tijuana near Tecate in Valle Redondo, just south of the US/Mexican border.

Through Rancho De Sus Niños, hundreds of lives are being touched each week. During our trip we will have the opportunity to minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of the people through Rancho's various ministries to the community of Tijuana.

Come touch the hearts of youth in need at Rancho's youth center, be a part impacting Mexico’s rising generation of leaders in Rancho's orphanage, daycare center, schools, and neighboring churches. For those with stronger physical capacity, participate in one of Rancho’s building projects; laying foundations, constructing, and giving form to the vision.

Please click here for more trip details. And please pray for our first YES! team, ages four to seventy-plus, hailing from three states and several churches.

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North Central University, Minneapolis - REGRETTABLY CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19.
to Jul 17

North Central University, Minneapolis - REGRETTABLY CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19.

  • North Central University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mark your calendar and plan to join several dozen other Young Enough to Serve adults for a week of serving at North Central University, a Christian university in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Click on the header above for more details. Registration is now open. Airport shuttle, housing accommodations, meals, and a Twins vs. White Sox baseball game are included.

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