Prayer Partnership
Prayer Partnership
An invitation from Judy Popineau Wick
None of us want to make empty promises. But the truth is, sometimes our commitments to pray end up falling off our prayer wagons.
For me a helpful tool is connecting a prayer for a specific person or ministry to a specific task. To illustrate allow me to share my 'shopping cart prayer.'
Returning a shopping cart to its special spot in a parking lot used to be on my ‘least favorites list’. I was one of those annoying shoppers who would leave the cart in an unassigned spot, carefully aligning it so the cart wouldn’t roll away. My silent prayer was usually, “Oh, God, please don’t let it break free and hit a car!” . . . as I anxiously jumped in my car, backed out and drove away.
One day I felt convicted. I purposed from then on to make the extra effort to walk the cart to its appropriate stall while simultaneously offering a special prayer for my precious mother-in-law. It wasn’t the only time I prayed for Mom, but it became a frequent reminder to lift her up in my prayers. It also kept my carts from wreaking havoc in parking lots! A win-win . . . time well spent.
So, if you haven’t already told us that you would be part of our YES! Prayer Partner Team, could you do so today? Knowing YOU are among the team that is lifting YES! (and us) up in your prayers will mean the world. And, because we believe in the power of prayer . . . we know God can use your prayers to work miracles.
After speaking at a Teen Challenge chapel service, a young woman came up to me and said, “Judy, I am going to pray for YES! whenever I fold clothes!” She got it!
Can we count on you to join this friend in praying for YES!?
(And, if you commit to praying for YES! while doing a common task, it would be fun to hear that from you as well.)
We would be deeply honored to have you join our growing team of prayer partners!