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YES! Leadership Training: Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs


Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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YES! Leadership Training: Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs

  • Glen Eyrie / The Carriage House 3820 N 30th Street Colorado Springs, CO USA (map)

We're In This Together!



        Pete Menconi             Cavin Harper

        Pete Menconi             Cavin Harper

Hosted by Wes & Judy Wick, who founded YES! Young Enough to Serve eight years ago. Pete Menconi, author of The Intergenerational Church (and newest YES! board member), will help leaders better understand the different generations to help maximize ministry impact. Cavin Harper, Director of the Christian Grandparenting Network and author of Courageous Grandparenting, will also deliver his best advice for adults maximizing impact within their families.

Are your adults over fifty ready for more?

  • Praying more
  • Serving more
  • Connecting more intergenerationally---
  • Making more disciples.

Expecting less and less of them is a common but colossal mistake. This sector of the population is growing phenomenally. Helping them thrive spiritually in their later years can breathe new life into your entire church and community.

Come young, come old. Renew your vision for the serving and disciple-making potential of adults in life’s second half.

Ryan & Courtney Ragozine are serving as emcees for this training event.

Ryan & Courtney Ragozine are serving as emcees for this training event.

This packed-full and impactful day of training is for pastors, staff members, board members, laity - younger and older who want to see the generations connect better.  Because YOU know - We’re In This Together!

Space is limited. Please register now!

Fill out our online form.
Earlier Event: November 12
YES! Luncheon
Later Event: February 13
Free Afternoon YES! Matinee: War Room