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Creating a Legacy Conference


Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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Creating a Legacy Conference

  • Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center 37 Conference Dr Mount Hermon, CA (map)

Join us for this exciting and meaningful conference hosted by Mount Hermon.

Creating A Legacy is a rich conference experience that invites us to pause and think about how the choices we make today will impact the future for those we love, and to be intentional about living into the unique legacy that is shaped by our story.

Whatever your life circumstances you make an impression on those who witness your life. Your colleagues, children, neighbors, friends, nieces and nephews, students and acquaintances watch and are changed by their relationship with you. Come put some thought into what that legacy is and could be.

Wes & Judy Wick from YES! will be among the many workshop leaders. Please visit the Mount Hermon website for full details and registration information.

Earlier Event: August 15
Dress-a-Girl Sewfest