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Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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Dress a Girl Around the World

  • Twin Lakes Church 2701 Cabrillo College Drive Aptos, CA, 95003 United States (map)


Our next Santa Cruz Dress a Girl SewFest will be August 20th at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos; 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We will be making festive Christmas dresses.  Other surprises are in store, as well!

Since we have so many new volunteers, I am also attaching a copy of "How to make a dress from our ready-to-sew kits."  Please review the instructions to be sure you understand how to make the sturdiest, most beautiful sundress possible.

Barbara Taylor, Area Ambassador
Dress a Girl Around the World, Santa Cruz

Earlier Event: April 14
YES! Luncheon