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North Central University, Minneapolis - REGRETTABLY CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19.


Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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North Central University, Minneapolis - REGRETTABLY CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19.

  • North Central University 910 Elliot Ave Minneapolis, Minnesota United States (map)

Please note that this event’s date was moved to July 2022 due to the pandemic but has now been cancelled due to ongoing concerns related to Covid-19. We will hold off on rescheduling until the pandemic is behind us.

Here’s what we had hoped would be happening:

Mark your calendar and plan to join several dozen other Young Enough to Serve adults for a week of serving at North Central University, a Christian university in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Airport shuttle, housing accommodations, meals, and a Minnesota Twins vs. Chicago White Sox baseball game are included. Registration is $175 per person, refundable through May 15, 2022.

YES! guests will be staying in Phillipps Hall and will have access to this Commons area in the evenings.

YES! guests will be staying in Phillipps Hall and will have access to this Commons area in the evenings.

Serving tasks will include painting, cleaning, landscape work and other special assignments. Most of the work will not require special skills, but skilled craftsmen and women are certainly welcomed. RV parking is also available (without hookups).

Attendees should target a Monday afternoon arrival and a Saturday morning departure. Serving will take place Tuesday through Friday.

approved photo 8.jpg

Registration is limited, so please register early to reserve your spot. You may register below as an individual, couple, or group/family.

Some student staff members will be around to help welcome and lead the Young Enough to Serve volunteers. We look forward to having you join us for a special week of serving together.

Some student staff members will be around to help welcome and lead the Young Enough to Serve volunteers. We look forward to having you join us for a special week of serving together.

Fill out our online form.