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Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip


Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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Gleanings for the Hungry Missions Trip

  • Directions to Gleanings 43029 Road 104 Dinuba, CA United States (map)

The next annual YES! trip to Gleanings is planned for Sunday evening (4-6 PM arrival) through Friday breakfast, February 18-23, 2024.

Dinuba is located just south of Fresno, California. Cost for the week is $150, including great meals at Gleanings and comfortable lodging. YES! has made annual treks to Gleanings every year since 2008.

For those traveling from out of state, we recommend flying into the Fresno Airport and arranging ground transportation from there (with possible help from other YES! volunteers).

Here’s an article from the Santa Cruz Sentinel, describing our 2023 trip.

Registration for our February 2024 trips now closed.

Fill out our online form.