Many of you have been involved at the grassroots level, gathering boxes to send to children around the world with the message of true hope in Christ.
Between these two amazing points, the Operation Christmas Child boxes land at processing centers at eight locations throughout the United States to ensure the boxes are carefully inspected and ready for overseas shipment. In addition to the gifts, these boxes go out with colorful literature to help lead children to Jesus, and many enroll in His Greatest Journey discipleship classes.
YES! will again partner with the Southern California (West Coast) processing center in Orange County: 4200 Bonita Place in Fullerton, CA.
We’ll enlist up to 25 volunteers for a 6-hour shift on the first Saturday of December, starting at 9 AM. Both standup and sedentary work stations will be available.
If you’re interested in participating, please send us a quick email, and we’ll let you know when registration opens up in September.
Because of warehouse regulations all participants must be at least thirteen years old at the time of the event. Please consider bringing anyone 13+ with you. So meaningful when generations serve together!
For other locations and/or time slots, please connect directly with Operation Christmas Child. Other locations are Atlanta, Aurora IL, Baltimore, Boone and Charlotte NC, Dallas, and Denver.
If haven’t yet done so, please sign up with your email address to receive YES! news, the Finishing Strong video series and notification regarding other serving events.
Please join us in making life’s second half count.