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Free Kindle Half Two (Copy)

Hurry, free offer ends at Midnight, Friday, March 27.

From YES! e-newsletter, March 24, 2020 ….

Make life's second half count.

With such a massive tragedy unfolding daily and growing exponentially, we know it's tough to see beyond the uncertainty of our current crisis. If you're among the millions hunkered down in your home, though, you may have more time now to pray, to read, and to ponder your future. That's why this week we're offering to add our book to your personal library free of charge.

While we all appreciate peer relationships, HALF TWO celebrates God's intergenerational design for His Church. Right now and always—as families, churches and as a nation—we are at our best when generations move intentionally beyond self-sufficiency and self-interest.

When this pandemic is over, we'll be thrilled to leave our cocoons and reconnect face-to-face with family and friends of all ages. We'll likely be friendlier and more concerned for a while. 

We pray that stronger bonds between generations will become a lasting post-crisis takeaway. We truly need each other. At every life stage. Although totally necessary right now, social distancing is completely unnatural.
While COVID-19 calls attention to the over-sixty weaker immune systems, Half Two reaffirms the amazing encore potential of adults in life's second half.

Now through this Friday, we invite you, your friends and other family members—of all ages—to download a free Kindle version of Half Two, as our gift to you.

(You don't need to own a Kindle device to read this book; simply download the Kindle app if it's not already on your smart device or computer.)

You'll likely see a kindleunlimited offer, too, but click where it says
'$0.00 to buy' (in smaller print, circled here for emphasis)
Please forward this invitation to others in your circles who might benefit. (Complimentary offer extends to midnight, Friday, March 27.)
Please be extra-safe, and please let us know how we can pray for you in this surreal, difficult, and unprecedented season.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."   Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

YES! Young Enough to Serve

831-359-5308 (Wes)
831-359-1046 (Judy)
YES! inspires adults over fifty
to pray, serve, and make disciples.

Another Time-Sensitive Free Offer from our Friends at Re-Ignite
We want to come alongside and support you whether you are quarantined or just hunkering down at home during these challenging days of a global health crisis. We invite you to participate in a Re-Ignite Retreat in your own space away from the crowds – and are offering the 8-session class to you, for a limited time, at no charge. Our hope is it will allow you to learn through video presentations, a chance to grow by completing the assignments, and provide an opening for future engagement with others through the development of community discussion platforms.

To enroll, please CLICK HERE. Select the “Discover Your Third Calling” (individual) class. Upon checkout, please enter the word HEALTH in the Coupon Code box to receive access to the course at no charge. This complimentary offer will end on March 31. Feel free to share this opportunity with your friends.