Giving Stock
The National Christian Foundation helps donors give appreciated stock or mutual funds to further a wide variety of ministries, including YES! Young Enough to Serve.
Here's advice from one couple choosing to bless YES! through a gift of stock:
"Thank you for setting up the stock gift capability! As you're likely aware, there are tremendous tax advantages that make the complexity worthwhile. The short story on the advantage is by giving appreciated stock, we're able to deduct the current value as a charitable contribution, and not pay taxes on the capital gain.
Donors that have any appreciated stock should generally donate stock as opposed to cash, even if they then go back into the market and repurchase the stock. Doing so allows them to reset the cost basis of each share."
Please learn more by watching this short video from the National Christian Foundation:
Use NCF Giving Fund # 1526347 and "The YES! Fund" in this form to channel your gift of stock or mutual funds to YES! (Setting up your own personal account through NCF is not required.) Your gift will be receipted by the National Christian Foundation as it is passed on in full to YES! Young Enough to Serve.
Please be sure to contact YES! or the NCF giver services line (phone: 949.263.0820 email: Angie, akimbrell@ncfgiving.com) if you have questions.