What AG Leaders Are Saying About Half Two
“My friends, Wes and Judy Wick, wrote Half Two out of their own experience. Half Two encouraged me to continue to stay in the game. I didn’t want to be on the bench.
“If I could, I would require this book be read by every pastor – including those in the First Half. All over the country, I notice that too often the focus of ministry in local churches is directed primarily to a younger generation. Nothing wrong with that, unless in doing so the older generation is disregarded or discarded. Half Two addresses that issue in an insightful way.
“If you are not a pastor, but you are in the second half – then this book will stimulate you to thought and action! My mother used to say to me when I was upset about something, “George, it won’t matter 100 years from now.” I think Half Two helps us “older” folk focus on our priorities – to give attention to the things that will matter 100 years from now.
“Every church would do well to get a copy of this book for every Half Two congregant and have them form small groups to walk through the book, chapter by chapter. I believe such an endeavor will truly revolutionize lives and revitalize the vital Half Two segment of the local church.”
Dr. George O. Wood
Former AG General Superintendent
Now with Jesus, January 2022
"An experienced, winsome, provocative, and passionate challenge, both to those approaching second half borderlands, and to the local church.
“With deft humor and surgically precise questions for exploration, Half Two goes beyond analysis, providing strategic next-steps for engagement. Eminently readable, deeply personal, desperately needed, highly recommended.”
Bill Dogterom, D.Min.
Professor, Pastoral Ministries and Spiritual Formation Chair (Religion) - Professional Studies
Vanguard University
“Half Two is a must read for all believers who are pre-retirement or retired. Wes and Judy Wick give practical advice with great ideas, loaded with insight and inspiration. Very helpful in finishing well (II Timothy 4:7) in our remaining years.”
Wally Weber
Life and Leadership Coach
“There’s more to this book than first meets the eye. To my knowledge, Wes is not a gerontologist, but he writes with the insights and wisdom of one. You’ll find many practical solutions to the challenges facing the older generation – and other generations as well.
“I wish every pastor could read this book.”
Mel Johnson
AG World Missionary
“As someone who has fought vigorously for cross-cultural appreciation throughout my adult life, I deeply appreciate the cross-generational unity approach presented in Half Two. Laced with biblical insight and fresh examples throughout, Wes presents a Christ-honoring, church-unifying pathway that motivates us to make our second half years more fruitful.”
Samuel M. Huddleston, D. Min.
Assistant District Superintendent
AG Northern California and Nevada
“Half Two is an inspiring and practical call to all followers of Jesus Christ to serve him faithfully to the end of life’s journey. It invigorates those of us in the final decades of life. It also helps pastors and church leaders see the vast ministry potential of older people. I highly recommend Half Two; it is a timely message to the church.”
Don Steiger
Former Superintendent/Network Pastor
Rocky Mountain Ministry Network
“It’s time that the church develop new strategies to better use the potential gifts of its 50-plus members. In most cases, they are untapped resources—just waiting to be recruited and empowered for service. Half Two goes a long way to provide inspiration and methodology for just that. Wes and Judy Wick have devoted themselves to bring this message to churches and individuals across the nation. This outstanding, must-read book is engaging and captivating.”
Richard Dresselhaus, D.Min.
Pastor, Author, Speaker
“Anyone over fifty will benefit from reading this well-written, inspiring book! We’re excited that Half Two will help others make life-changing, best-ever decisions, similar to our starting Assist International in our early fifties. Such excitement in following Christ full-throttle.
Bob & Char Pagett
Founders, Assist International
“Half Two is the best book that we have recently read dealing with ministry with senior adults. Wes Wick creatively takes you on a journey to share his passion, insight, and calling to those in the 2nd half of life. Wes is a gifted writer. He uses Scripture and many personal illustrations to show the value and importance of leading this army of seasoned believers, and also to share the Gospel with those who need a relationship with Christ. He not only writes about it; he and his wife Judy live it. We have purchased several copies to give to others who love senior adults.”
Paul & Norma Grasser
Second Half Ministries Directors
AG Southern California Network
"Half Two is sobering and inspirational, purposeful and practical."
Ward Tanneberg, Ph.D.-Theology
Author, Sacred Journey and Redeeming Grace
“What you are about to read will touch your heart and stretch your mind. Watch out!”
Dick and Ruth Foth, Co-Authors, Known: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World
“If you are approaching or in retirement, know that God wants to “re-tire and re-fire” you for Kingdom purposes. As you read this book, allow God to break old mindsets and reshape your perspective on living out the next lap of life.”
Reverend Dominic Yeo
AG General Superintendent, Singapore Senior Pastor, Trinity Christian Centre