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YES! Leadership Opportunity

In Pursuit of Younger Leader to Direct YES!

YES! Young Enough to Serve is looking for a passionate, articulate, caring individual or couple---likely under sixty---with ministerial training, credentials, and a calling to serve/equip older adults on a multi-church basis.

We are excited about what this new staff person or couple will mean, helping more churches tap older-adult potential in a deeper way throughout North America. A willingness to travel is important, and the travel scope includes the United States and Canada.

Most importantly we anticipate that the leader(s) will soon succeed Wes & Judy, YES! founders. So the leader(s), with some training and mentoring, need to have the capacity to successfully serve as executive director(s) of a non-profit organization.

YES! is interdenominational. Wes & Judy are US missionary chaplains with the Assemblies of God. Many denominations and some non/inter-denominational churches have organizational structures designed for broad domestic outreach, and YES! is open to working with the sending organization that makes the best sense, given the new leaders’ background. Even if the sending organization has strong denominational ties, they must be open to supporting leaders called to a broader swath of Bible-believing, Christian churches.


TOGETHER WITH ALL GENERATIONS, YES! inspires adults over fifty-five to pray, serve and make disciples.

YES! is on mission to inspire adults over fifty-five toward a strong, God-directed finish. We believe God intends for this inspiration to come through all generations, not just peer-to-peer, highlighting why YES! is seeking a younger individual or couple.

In the early Church Timothy and Titus are powerful examples of younger adults, appointed by Paul, to challenge and teach older men and women (and younger, too). Cross-generational collaboration can get overlooked in North American churches, especially as it pertains to second-half ministry leaders.

In its first sixteen years, YES! has benefited from this exciting dynamic on their board of directors (with ages ranging from the mid-twenties to late seventies). The fresh, creative, energetic contribution of younger talent has been invaluable.

Peer-to-peer ministry is important, but as a standalone it can also isolate age groups. Younger leaders help YES! nurture love, interest, and concern between generations, not just within the older-adult segment. The younger-to-older and older-to-younger dynamic can play a huge role in developing healthier churches.

YES! is deliberately pursuing younger leaders because:

  1. The precedence in Scripture is strong, not an anomaly. Over three-quarters of Paul's letters begin with intergenerational relationships.

  2. It's a practical, strategic pathway to stronger intergenerational vision and the bridging of generational gaps.

  3. Cross-generational interest and concern must be modeled at the leadership level, not just talked about!

  4. We know God is calling adults of all ages to help lead older adult ministries, but churches are often slow in intentionally pursuing, affirming, preparing, and receiving younger leaders.

  5. God loves to break through closed-circle isolation.

  6. Those younger have vision to see things older adults may miss. (And the reverse is also true.)

  7. Younger leaders can help YES! influence more young people in valuing all ages.

  8. Younger leaders force us to invest more. In spite of exploding older-population growth, we often see declining, partial, part-time and shallow investment---even in larger churches with hundreds of older adults.

  9. The whole body needs to show concern for each part. Bodies, by design, are not a collection of self-sufficient parts.

  10. Older adults need contrast, youthful energy, and fresh, state-of-the-art approaches.

  11. If we're serious about reaching adults over fifty-five (not just adults over seventy), we must engage Boomers and Generation X, in addition to the Builder generation. The intergenerational leadership emphasis helps open the door to the Young Old.

  12. Churches need young leaders to help move beyond passive, leisure- and entertainment-driven 'ministry' paradigms. This 55+ age group includes a wide range of physical ability and disability, and there’s a need to embrace robust-health potential, along with the pre-frail and frail serving capacities. Compassionate care for older adults must include nurturing their continuing compassion and ministry potential, acknowledging both unique challenges and opportunities.

  13. Older adults need younger people in their lives, and younger people need those older! These realities can get overlooked in environments always relying exclusively on young leaders to reach the young and older leaders to impact those older.

  14. Greater leadership longevity in this arena of ministry is also needed.


The specific job description will depend on the gifts, abilities, location, and other factors of the person(s) applying.

General duties include speaking at churches/conferences, training leaders, meeting with pastors and other leaders, coordinating serving events, and assisting with administrative responsibilities. The individual or couple will expand the influence of YES! geographically, through expanded physical presence, social media, and through other outreach vehicles. Helping churches strengthen cross-generational appreciation and collaboration is a priority.


The individual or couple must be open to raising their own support. This will be a collaborative effort of the individual/couple, YES! Young Enough to Serve, and the sending organization. Because raising ongoing support demands a lot, YES! anticipates a minimum service commitment of five years after support is raised. The monthly budget amount to be raised is based on a variety of factors, determined in consultation with the sending organization and the YES! board of directors.

While raising support may sound intimidating, we know many individuals and churches will gladly support younger leaders truly called by God into this area of ministry.

If interested, we encourage you to peruse the YES! website for a better understanding, read Half Two: The Quest for a God-Honoring Encore, watch the Finishing Strong video series, and send a letter of inquiry to Wes & Judy Wick at Thank you for your interest and prayerful consideration!