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Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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Casa de Fruta Senior Retreat

  • departing from Christian Life Center 1009 Mission Street Santa Cruz, CA, 95060 United States (map)

YES! will be taking a group from Santa Cruz to Casa de Fruta for the twice-annual Californa Old Fashioned Camp Meeting, leaving the Christian Life Center parking lot at 2:15 PM. We are joining this week-long camp meeting east of Gilroy on Tuesday evening only.

We will be guests at a camp-hosted BBQ potluck. (You're welcome to bring some meat, but they have told us it's not necessary.) A Vespers service follows the BBQ, and then the evening service features CHARLES CRABTREE as the camp speaker.

If you play an instrument, please bring it with you.

Please let us know if you're coming and if you're able to help with transportation, as needed.

Fill out my online form.
Earlier Event: September 17
YES! Luncheon
Later Event: October 15
YES! Luncheon