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Since YES! is based in Santa Cruz County, many of the events listed here are in this area. YES! team members travel frequently to other states and counties, but not all of these trips are documented here.

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YES! Luncheon

  • Meeting @ McDonald's 259 Mt Hermon Rd Scotts Valley, CA, 95066 United States (map)

Please note the time change---one week later than originally communicated. 

Our next monthly YES! luncheon will start out at McDonald's in Scotts Valley for an optional serve-yourself lunch and then off in a caravan by noon to Fasting Prayer Mountain, just a mile or so away. This beautiful spot, dedicated as a getaway for prayer and fasting, is an overlooked gem right here in Scotts Valley (near Mission Springs).

We hope you'll come for the rich fellowship and then want to return on your own later for some personal times of prayer and reflection. We'll meet there in the Small Chapel, situated on level ground with adjacent parking.

Earlier Event: September 8
Declare God's Power to the Next Generation
Later Event: October 6
Casa de Fruta Senior Retreat