InterGen Leadership Infusion
InterGen Leadership Infusion
In our fast-paced, youth-oriented culture, the value of older adults can easily get brushed aside. And life-stage emphases within churches often lead to our knowing too few people outside our own age group.
In as little as three hours or as much as three weeks, YES! Missionaries-in-Residence can help your church create an intergenerational ministry plan and team. With extended engagement YES! can also help coach them through their first outreach or ministry event - serving and making disciples together!
“Wes and Judy came in and immediately began developing relationships. They helped us, in some very practical ways, to connect the various generations in our church . . . a great investment.”
“Generational separation is common in the Church. Churches often focus on age groups, with the hope of ministering directly to each group. Sadly, the division, though well intended, has often isolated the older generation.
YES! is positioned to bridge the divide and release a new dynamic of ministry in the local church.
Wes and Judy Wick, founders and directors of YES!, are ready to help churches and colleges/universities bring the generations together. Their brilliant, cheerful, and godly personalities will enhance the effectiveness of your ministry to each generation.”