Are We Assets or Liabilities?
Wes Wick
ONE CHALLENGE WE FACE WITH CHRISTIAN ADULTS ON THE PLUS SIDE OF FIFTY is the fact that Jesus went to the cross at age thirty-three. We don’t have accounts of Him traversing the pre-frail, frail, and dependent years.
We do, though, get to observe what He was doing as He approached death: praying, serving, and making/shaping disciples. Alongside his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed. He taught and broke bread with His disciples and served them by washing their feet. He also brought salvation to a repentant thief hanging on the cross.
Judy’s dad, ‘Papa Don’, is getting closer to the end, and he is certainly eager and ready for heaven. He is in convalescent care, very dependent on others to care for him. Hospice is now also helping to provide care.
But, as with his earlier robust, pre-frail, and frail years, Papa Don finds a way to speak into the lives of others. He continues to share the love of Christ. Even in this dependent state, he brings comfort and hope to others—as he greets visitors or passes out Cracker Jack boxes and tracts in the dining hall.
If most aging adults were like Papa Don, we probably wouldn’t need to pound the YES! Young Enough to Serve drum so vigorously. But we see Christian retirees in robust health tempted to live only for themselves. Add physical frailty to the mix and serving others moves completely off their grid.
Would you pray that we’ll make more significant headway in the months to come? We want to ignite a spark in the hearts of leaders who are on the fence with respect to our active older population. Are they a benefit to our churches and society at large, or are they a problem or drain on society?
We think the glass is more than half full—much more YES! than NO!—while still acknowledging challenges these later seasons present. With God’s help, let’s say YES! to that potential and draw out their best.
Your partnership with us in this task is incredibly meaningful and encouraging. Thanks for seeing the potential that some may miss.
Together with all generations
YES! inspires adults over fifty
to pray, serve and make disciples.