Boldly GO!
Gary Geesey
As I write this, I am sitting in the Public Library in Fukuoka, Japan, surrounded by people I cannot communicate with but for whom I have a great heart.
Charlotte and I could be traveling across the US in our motorhome or enjoying time with our grandkids. But here we are, in awe of the opportunity God brought our way.
Gary & Charlotte Geesey, Missionaries to Japan
Do we miss our family and friends back home? Certainly, but thank God for technology and the service it provides to stay in touch.
Retirement was never about unplugging from serving, sharing, and giving ... or going. This was in our DNA; this kind of living wasn’t going away. So we positioned ourselves for being available, useful, even as we made plans for motorhome travel.
While there were places we wanted to go and things we wanted to do, the route we took was often determined by who lived “on the way” that we could see. And when we arrived, was there something we could say or do to be a blessing?
Our early-retirement US adventure prepared us to expand our horizon to consider international travel and the opportunity to serve where we could be useful. Concerns for living in a foreign culture and all that goes with it are offset by faith in the One Who calls us to follow His lead.
We challenge those in “our season of life” to consider the endless opportunities to serve overseas for whatever length of time suits you. It is the Lord who goes before you; let Him write a chapter of adventure that you never imagined possible.
Consider this quote from author Ann Voscamp ... carry this with you all day today:
Success isn’t about being amazing…it’s about being obedient. Before you blink and your one life’s a tendril of smoke, a memory, a vapor, gone, know this: you are where you are for such a time as this—not to make an impression, but to make a difference. Break free of your comfort zone today and do something --- touch someone, give something, help someone, pray for someone, serve someone.
And might I add ... go somewhere you have never been or thought of going to ... like Japan! Begin by praying prayers of surrender and a willingness to say YES to whatever the Holy Spirit drops in your heart and mind.
Don’t dismiss those thoughts as being “wild.” An adventure with the Lord to a far-off land might be in His mind for you. Boldly GO and see what He will do through you.
Gary & Charlotte can be reached by email,, or through Facebook.