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YES! Blogs

Pivoting to a Better Normal

Wes Wick

Certain words have garnered greater attention in this incredibly uncommon year.

Pivot” is one such word most ministry leaders heard repeatedly over the past eight months, emphasizing we can’t go about business as usual. And pivoting will be a recurring theme as we grow older.

Many have used technology to pivot and expand communication. Sadly, though, in-person connections have diminished significantly.

We pray that the pandemic’s deathgrip will disappear in 2021, and many assume that life will soon return to ‘normal’ as vaccines are approved and released.

Our prayer for individuals and churches is that we’ll continue pivoting toward a better normal, as God and His Word direct, not settling for some of the missteps that were all too common in “the good ol’ days.”

We started YES! thirteen years ago because we saw a need for many churches to pivot away from:

·    Dismissing adults’ serving potential as they grow older,

·    Over-emphasizing generational segregation,

·    Creating ‘ministry’ menus of only fun, food, and fellowship.

We know pent-up desires and emotions abound during this holiday season. Visits with some close friends and family members may now have been tabled for over a year. We long for many things eluding our grasp.

In all of our longing, let’s yearn to be greater witnesses for Christ. Let’s pivot even now to deeper connections with our ever-faithful God. Thankfully, personal prayer is not on any governor’s COVID exclusion list.

In both our attitudes and actions, let’s continue pivoting to live lives that are pleasing to God, both now and in the limited time we have left here on earth.