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YES! Blogs

The Pandemic's Far-Reaching Breadth

Wes Wick

We join with you in prayer during this very troubling season. Let not our hearts be troubled!


Yes, we’re all in this together, but what a broad swath of life experiences!

·    Some with COVID-19 are without symptoms, while others fight for their last breath.

·    For some, life’s pace has come to a jarring halt, while others are busier than ever.

·    Some face financial ruin; some have little economic worry.

·    Certain cities are corona-hotspots, while some vicinities remain less catastrophic so far.

·    Most adults over 65 are extra-vigilant about staying home, while retired medical professionals boldly re-enlist for frontline care.

·    Some families are experiencing rich times of togetherness; some are stressed to the max.

·    Many wonder if they can survive this crisis. Others ask God how they might grow and thrive through this pandemic.

For now, we’ve become a nation of shut-ins and homeschoolers. “Welcome to my world,” some of you stay-at-home moms and homebound older adults might say, appreciating the empathy.

Those of us in the ‘low-immunity community’ are being treated with unusual grace and deference. We’re so grateful for the sincere concern expressed and practical help offered. We love how younger people want to shield us from this deadly virus.

At the same time, we hope we can use this unique season to bless every generation, not just our own.

Yes, we who are older and more susceptible to this virus’ physical wrath must take special precautions. But younger generations are also experiencing extreme challenges that we’re not facing.

Through it all, we pray that we’ll re-discover God’s faithfulness and still see ourselves as young enough to reach out with servants’ hearts.