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YES! Blogs

Purposeful Adventure

Wes Wick

Sometimes purpose shows up in routine plodding on, and sometimes it’s enveloped in adventure.

We’re blessed to serve with a board of directors whose individual lives reflect both purpose and adventure.

For the past five years Dan Parotti has been a huge blessing on the YES! board. He serves as the global missions and seniors pastor at Cedar Valley Church in Bloomington, Minnesota.

This Sunday he embarks on a momentous, purposeful adventure, riding his motorcycle from Bloomington to Brazil. All along the way, Dan will be connecting with pastors and churches his church supports.

Staying on the main highway, Dan will travel through some countries where he’ll need to stay on high alert. And while very comfortable on a motorcycle, Dan doesn’t speak Spanish, adding an extra layer of challenge to this significant undertaking.

On some legs of the trip, he’ll be accompanied by locals riding alongside him, but mostly it’s a solo adventure. From home Dan’s wife Shani will help document his trip, sharing with others through social media.

For most of us, this ‘Devotional Road’ adventure sounds a bit terrifying, but Dan views it as something God has clearly ordained and orchestrated.

We will definitely join with others in praying for his safety and favor along the way. And even though you may not know Dan, we invite you to pray for him over the next couple months.

We can see how this 9000-mile, 13-country trip will add rich, personal dimensions to this church’s global outreach, and it’s particularly inspiring to the seniors in his church, with whom he has developed a close bond since his late-forties appointment to serve as their pastor.

As we grow older, we tend to take fewer risks, often with good reason. We’re reasonably confident that you won’t read about us taking on a multi-nation motorcycle trek.

But God will call us to do something outside our comfort zones, and we too want to be ready to enlist in these God-ordained, young-enough-to-serve adventures.

P.S. THANKFULLY, Dan’s adventure went well. Here’s some amazing footage.