Accepting CHALLENGES in the Season of CHILL
Wes Wick
Many people already think of retirement as a multi-decade vacation. When you put that mindset smack dab in the middle of summer—universally prime vacation season—promoting serving opportunities can have a swimming-against-the-current feel.
But as you know, needs around us don’t take a vacation, so any time of year is right for a serving plunge.
We’re certainly not anti-vacation. Everyone needs periods of rest and relaxation. But let’s also be open to God’s call to serve at any time of year.
Even on vacation a surrendered servant’s heart is the perfect traveling companion. Not our will but Yours, Lord.
In Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, the priest and Levite’s work responsibilities, along with prejudice, appeared to be obstacles to their impromptu serving opportunity. A ‘don’t-bother-me-I’m-on-vacation’ mindset can also trip us up.
We were so grateful for the many who joined YES! for a Sunday afternoon of ministry in a rough neighborhood of a city with challenges galore.