Rest Assured
Shani Parotti
Have you ever walked outside or looked out the window on an exceptionally beautiful day and thought, "Well God, you must not be finished with us yet!" Despite the sin, wars, and culture, nature is still flourishing. It’s bewildering at times, isn’t it?
When tragedy strikes or the world appears to be beyond repair, we marvel at God's steadfastness. As we approach a new election and are bombarded with hyped campaign advertisements and urgent emails about the state of our nation, it can create added anxiety.
But when we walk outside and take a deep breath, we are reminded that the God who created the universe is still providing air for our lungs, trees for the birds, and rain for the earth. It is truly a marvel. His ways are not our ways.
Our God is no stranger to disorder. We learn from Genesis that He created order from chaos. In the beginning, the earth was "formless and void" (Hebrew: tohu va-bohu), a place of emptiness and chaos. Nothing is too chaotic or broken for His creation or repair.
I have been reading a book by Rachel Booth Smith called "Rest Assured: What the Creation Story was Intended to Reveal About Trusting God." It is a wonderful book that I highly recommend. In it, she shares, "God designed an order that was good and complete - but His is not a bland and uptight order. He designed the earth to be lovely, beautiful, generous, and predictable. He planned for flourishing...when I pray for my family, whatever He determines for them will come forth from the same hand that created the sunsets.
If I feel helpless about my circumstances, my heart can rest as I bring my concerns to the God who invented flourishing. God has shown me who He is when He ordered the universe, and I don't have to locate a professional for access. He, Himself, is the source and is evident to anyone."
This reminds us of Ecclesiastes 3:11:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what He has done from beginning to end."
As we continue through these next months, we remind ourselves that as we steward the days God has given us and exercise our right to vote for the future leader of our nation, we can rest assured that God is our absolute future and provision. He is the order-maker and sustainer. As long as there is air to breathe and trees for the birds, He is creating order amidst the chaos. He is allowing "flourishing" to continue.
"He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal." (Isaiah 26:3-4)
Here’s a link to Rachel's book, "Rest Assured."