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YES! Blogs

Remembering Robin

Wes Wick

In the early stages of YES!, we received a request from a dear lady in our church asking if her adult daughter with special needs, Robin, could accompany YES! on our weeklong serving trek to Gleanings for the Hungry.

We weren’t completely sure how it would work out, but we agreed to give it a try. Other women stepped forward to be Robin’s roommates and to help look out for her.

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Robin soon fell in love with the quilting room at Gleanings, and during breaks she would beam as she showed us progress on her fabric cutouts and quilts.

Robin not only survived the week … she thrived. As Robin’s serving efforts were affirmed, she added special joy to our YES! Young Enough to Serve team.

In subsequent years Robin would be the first to register for our annual Gleanings trips. At least two weeks in advance, she’d proudly declare that she was all packed.

On several trips Robin would ride with us, to and from Gleanings. We were always amazed by Robin’s memory for dates and other details, and we would share many good laughs together.

When we were in town attending our home church, Robin would always sit with or near us. She became a self-appointed auntie to several kids at our church, including our grandsons.

Because of orthopedic injuries Robin reluctantly stayed home on our last couple trips. Throughout those weeks we were repeatedly asked by Gleanings staff and volunteers, “Where’s Robin?” We all missed her presence with us.

After a week of rapid decline, Robin’s mom called us the morning after Christmas to share that Robin passed away in the night. Tears flowed even though this 57-years-young girl was now with Jesus.

We learned a lot from Robin’s childlike faith. Although developmentally challenged, Robin was advanced in her love for others. We all have a special need to have people like her in our lives.