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YES! Blogs

João, João. And Off to Brazil We Go!

Dan Parotti

Ministry trips outside the USA seem distant right now, but opportunities will emerge again soon, and we want to be ready.

Allow me to take a moment and share with you how the Holy Spirit nudged me during our church team’s most recent (pre-COVID) Brazil trip. Nine of our sixteen team members were over 65, making this trek very special. We served alongside a Brazilian church and Pastor Andrew and Julie Vargas, a couple many of us knew from their earlier lives in Minnesota. 

Just two days in, I ran into João, a young man from Andrew's church. I had met him a year earlier while leading a team to this same destination. João is a true servant with a shepherd's heart. He's one of Andrew’s main leaders.

While spending the next few days with João and the team, the Lord impressed upon me to give him some money. He didn't say how much, and I had no sense of what it might be for - just to give him money. 

At the same time, I felt peace to wait. We still had a week before heading back, so I acknowledged to God that I heard Him and waited for Him to lead me further. 

Have you ever felt that? Peace to pause when God nudges? Not to prolong or procrastinate, but to walk in His direction and timing?

After a couple days passed, Pastor Andrew and I were driving together on an errand. During our conversation I shared about João and what the Lord was leading me to do. I was hoping that Andrew could tell me a little more, or even confirm in his spirit what the Lord was prompting in mine. Sure enough, Andrew sensed the Spirit was in this and knew exactly why.

Andrew began to tell me how João loves serving, loves people, and desires to be in full-time ministry as a pastor. Andrew also told me that João took a recent step of faith and committed to one year of seminary training in Sau Paolo. It was a step of faith he couldn't afford. 

Wow, this all began making sense. Andrew also told me the church was in full support of João and that they would pay twenty percent of the cost, if he could afford to go. João applied to the seminary, was accepted, and began to save every penny he could.

You see, when the Lord impressed upon me to give, he didn't tell me how much, but He gave me peace to wait until He told me more. In waiting, it was all too clear that God wanted to supply the need through us as a team, not just me. 

When I shared with our team what was on my heart, they responded, and the need was met. Everyone felt the same Holy Spirit nudge and chipped in. Had I given to João alone, he'd still be in need, leaving the team unknowingly sitting on money meant for João. Wow, I could have been responsible for that. I'm really glad I waited!

João had been short $1,500 US dollars. He needed the money before he could head off to seminary. There was no way he could make that money in time before leaving—as he prayed, planned, and left his hospital job a week earlier to volunteer at the church full-time. 

When Andrew told me João had stepped out in faith, he wasn't kidding. João was truly trusting God to make a way, and God did. We as a team gave $1,700 US dollars, more than enough to pay his tuition and provide for other expenses and the occasional late-night pizza.   

Blessings to João! God had him from the beginning, and we were humbled to celebrate His faithfulness with him.

Many of you, like me, are very open to the Spirit’s guidance. As He speaks to you, keep listening. His timing may not always be immediate, and He may want others to join with you in His calling. 

COVID has obviously demanded patience and wisdom as the Spirit nudges. Know that God wants to speak to you now, and He may also ask you to patiently wait.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NLT)


In addition to serving as pastor to senior adults at Cedar Valley Church in Bloomington, Minnesota, Dan (pictured here with his wife Shani) is a valued member of the YES! Young Enough to Serve Board of Directors.