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YES! Podcasts

Interviews with Christians that highlight serving and disciple-making.

Helping the World's Most Vulnerable: Bob & Charlene Pagett

Judy Popineau Wick

At the age of 51, Bob Pagett, along with his wife Char, resigned from pastoring in Santa Cruz, California. At that time, walls were falling in Eastern Europe, and new doors were opening.

God took their heart for missions and resilience from personal tragedy and illness, calling them to speak up for those who were unable to speak for themselves. The ministry of Assist International was birthed, and over the last 25 years countless lives have been touched around the world.

Bob & Char exemplify passionate and fruitful living on the north side of 50. May their hearts of passion touch all who listen to this podcast. As they emphasize, this is not just about former pastors becoming missionaries. God calls ALL OF US to serve Him in a variety of ways for His glory.