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YES! Blogs

A Hardening of the Categories

Wes Wick

Remember the “we’re all in this together” slogan from just a few months ago?

How quickly we’ve seemed to drift from that aspiration, as social unrest takes the spotlight, on top of COVID’s physical and economic toll.

national unrest.jpg

This familiar passage comes to mind again as our land is in desperate need of healing:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

It’s in our nature to dig in our heels and point to the shortcomings of others, becoming more dogmatic and self-righteous in our own opinions. We want others to humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways. But this passage asks for us to humble ourselves, to pray, to diligently seek God’s face, and to turn from our own wicked ways.

Respected professor Howie Hendricks knew that over time we can develop a “hardening of the categories.” It’s not just our arteries we need to worry about.

Let’s continue to learn from the perspective of others through these periods of historic crises. Let’s hold back from know-it-all arrogance and open wide the door of humility. Yes, our world needs changing, but let it start with us.

The first half of this year has been incredibly tumultuous and challenging. It’s also a season of opportunity if we personally follow this 2 Chronicles prescription for personal forgiveness and healing on a national scale.

God gave us two knees, two ears and one mouth. Let’s be quick to pray, listen and learn—slower to speak.

May God lead us personally down this humble, less-traveled road and bring healing to our land.