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Ebb vs. Flow

YES! Blogs

Ebb vs. Flow

Wes Wick

Ebb and flow.

It’s the rhythm of life. We’re nourished by both.

Too much ebb, and we dry up. Too much flow without Sabbath rest, and we lose our moorings.

We’ve grown so accustomed to this rhythm in leading YES! … Periods of quiet and renewal have helped prepare us for significant outreach.

COVID has caused many to get tangled and impatient in the ebb web. Too much ebb, and not enough flow.

Well before the Coronavirus, life’s second half was already full of ‘ebb’ signposts pointing toward increased ebb and decreased flow.

Subtle messages hint that we’re getting older and maybe ready for pasture:

·    49.5 The dreaded AARP invitation

·    50’s Unsolicited senior discounts

·    60’s People younger than us are described as “elderly.”

·    62 Social security eligibility

·    65 Medicare begins

·    66 “Full retirement age”

·    70 Maximum SS benefits

People interpret these benchmarks differently. For some, these hints represent a prescribed timetable and well-deserved, end-of-the-rainbow benefits. Flow time yields to an overarching season of ebb.

Others resist slowdown suggestions with a vengeance.

We like the middle ground that affirms God’s purpose through aging realities. Spiritual retirement is not His plan for us. Let both the ebb and flow of life continue through every season!

In this COVID pandemic, too, may we all find God’s purpose in the face of this ebb vs. flow  tension.

Let’s focus on what we can still do, including safe serving avenues that may be new to us. While ebb warnings abound, may God’s Spirit continue to flow. HE can still do so much through us!