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YES! Blogs

Count Your Blessings

Wes Wick

In times of loss and discouragement, it’s easy to fix our eyes on our loss, someone or something we cherished but no longer have.

In a recent conversation with an 83-year-old widower, he pointed to a significant later-life turning point as he grieved the loss of his wife after 53 years of marriage.

After some time had passed, he was able to stop complaining to God about his substantial loss, and he began thanking Him for their many years together.

Turning points like this are so healthy and help keep us on a course where we can still reach out and help others … even after our profound personal losses.

The longer we live, the more losses we accumulate. How we face and frame these losses may determine our quality of life and longevity going forward.

Having faith to know God has not deserted us when we face tough times keeps us young enough to serve. It’s part of the legacy we who are older can share with those younger. God is faithful … all the time!

We know that grief is a process that takes time, even time to question why and to sometimes never fully understand.

Our faith, though, is strengthened when we see older believers moving forward with a spirit of gratitude.

Our losses don’t have to trigger a downward spiral or “the beginning of the end.” We hopefully have many years, even decades, of fruitfulness ahead.

As God brings comfort and gives strength, let’s count our blessings, and name them one by one.

So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.