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YES! Blogs

Find Us Faithful

Wes Wick

Judy and I were privileged this month to lead a couple breakout sessions at a national senior adult ministries conference in Branson, Missouri. About eight hundred adults from around the US attended.

The conference theme, Find Us Faithful, is from a beautiful song written by Steve Green, who helped kickstart our time together with some inspiring music.

The expanded lyrics say, “May all who come behind us find us faithful.” We love the generation-to-generation emphasis embedded in these words. But we first have some work to do in those coming behind us even finding us!

(There is a bit of irony in leading a Building Better Bridges Between Generations session while in a sea of grey and white hair.)

Even while Covid lingers we sense a growing openness in churches to become more deliberate in connecting generations, a significant part of our calling since starting YES! nearly fourteen years ago.

Again, we underscore how much we need younger people in our lives!

One ‘younger’ adult who just joined our YES! board of directors is Dr. Amy Hanson. Amy has always been at the top of our list as someone who exemplifies the richness of a younger adult reaching out to those older.

If you’ve wondered if under-fifty adults have something to offer in this over-fifty-five-focused ministry, wonder no more: 

Amy’s Educational Background

o  B.S. Bible/Family Ministry 

o  M.S. Gerontology 

o  Ph.D. Human Sciences/ Gerontology

Brief Employment History

o  Active Adult (50+) Ministries Director at Central Christian Church, Henderson, NV 

o  Author, Consultant and Speaker at on older adult ministry

o  Instructor with the Department of Gerontology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha 

God has allowed such wonderful people to come alongside us.

May He find us all faithful!