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YES! Blogs

How Will You Celebrate Recovery?

Wes Wick

Let’s continue to be bold risk-takers in sharing our faith, in living daily lives that reflect more faith than fear. Let’s not allow Covid to permanently sideline us or redefine us as ‘too old to serve.’

Let’s be safe and care-full, full of care for others.

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All Things

Wes Wick

“The reason I didn’t understand the passage, ‘I can do all things through Christ’ was because Paul was in prison. He’s in a prison cell, he is chained to a guard, and he is saying, “I can.” And I want to shout at him through the tunnel of time, hey, Paul, don’t you realize you can’t do anything, your traveling days are over, your epistle writing days are nearly done? You're not planting churches anymore. People aren’t being healed under your ministry.

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Down to Earth

Wes Wick

From the very start of this story, God identifies with people in humble circumstances. Apart from divine revelations through angels, a star and bright lights, Jesus in the manger would be off our radar … not a scene we’d be drawn to.

What a reminder to pay attention to those around us in desperate, dismal situations.

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Thanks ’n Giving

Wes Wick

People with a deep sense of gratitude often respond with unleashed generosity. Stifle the thanks, and selfishness follows close behind. Thanks and giving are definitely joined at the hip…or the wishbone.

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Count Your Blessings

Wes Wick

The longer we live, the more losses we accumulate. How we face and frame these losses may determine our quality of life and longevity going forward.

Having faith to know God has not deserted us when we face tough times keeps us young enough to serve. It’s part of the legacy we who are older can share with those younger. God is faithful … all the time!

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Find Us Faithful

Wes Wick

“May all who come behind us find us faithful.” We love the generation-to-generation emphasis embedded in these words.

But we first have some work to do in those coming behind us even finding us!

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Parallel Visions

Wes Wick

For those of us in the Gentile camp, Acts 10 & 11 are hugely significant chapters. God is concerned about all races, not just the Jews.

We like to draw parallels, knowing God’s love extends to all races and all generations. In God’s kingdom there are no second-class citizens.

What stands out here is how God used both Cornelius, a Gentile, and Peter, a Jew, to bring unity and understanding. And it still got a little dicey along the way.

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Off to College and Stuck at Home

Wes Wick

Resembling our early passage into adulthood, it’s as though the whole church went away to college this past year, leaving familiar and established church-attendance routines behind and entering a new phase—where physical church attendance was not expected.

At adulthood’s older extreme, Covid also introduced an up-close and personal glimpse into the life of the shut-in.

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Half-Empty or Half-Full?

Wes Wick

It’s true that some adults may have half the physical or mental quickness of earlier years, but certainly not everyone in life’s second half runs at half-steam. For some the glass appears nearly dry, and for many the water is at the brim and trickling over … such a broad range of levels, moving both up and down during these later years.

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Accepting Limitations

Wes Wick

A burgeoning limitation list is not uncommon in life’s later years. We can prevent, pray through, and fight off some limitations, but how cool, too, when we allow limits to bring focus and enablement.

Complaining about limitations doesn’t move the musician, artist, athlete, dancer or architect forward.

May our infinite God creatively use our finiteness to bring Him glory!

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Embers and Seasoned Wood

Wes Wick

Okay, call us weird and frugal, but we’ve resisted turning on our furnace this year. Not a big deal for the month of May, but our earlier Central Coast temps dip into the thirties.

We’re not anti-furnace, but going old-school sparks some needed life lessons.

We’ve learned firsthand the value of well-seasoned wood and continuous embers.

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The Desk

Candace Gaeta

I was once again greeted by the fresh scents of spring, but there was another slight smell that distracted me from my thoughts. Fresh paint!

As soon as I identified the smell, I was immediately transported back in my mind to the parsonage where I lived with my family in the mid 60’s. As a twelve-year-old, I decided what I needed for my sanity was a desk. A desk that would be my own, where I could store my papers, homework, diary and Bible.

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Gleanings 2021

Bob Whittington

The morning fellowship around breakfast and devotions was very inspiring. Getting to know other people who are also in the process of seeking how they can serve the Lord in their retirement was great—getting new information and some ideas and tips about what opportunities are available. We really appreciated the sharing times.

Because we attend a small church and have been going there so long, we know most people's background and testimonies. So, it was a fresh perspective to hear new people's experiences and testimonies of their walk with the Lord.

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All I Can Do Now is Pray

Gary Geesey

All I can do now is pray…so said a special lady in her 80s.

Who wouldn’t want someone like her to be in your corner, praying for you when ‘all she can do is pray’?!

So when you think that “all you can do is pray,” realize you are doing the will of the Lord.

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Remembering Robin

Wes Wick

We learned a lot from Robin’s childlike faith. Although developmentally challenged, Robin was advanced in her love for others. We all have a special need to have people like her in our lives.

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Fulfilling Christ's Law

Jolonda Lowe

We are now deep into the holiday season. I think for a lot of us, especially older generations, this is a tough time. It can be tough mentally, emotionally, and financially. Colder weather also highlights seasonal ways to help carry the physical burdens of others.

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Going Viral

Wes Wick

Most of the time we don’t see the exponential, ripple effect of our sharing. Sharing our faith can have huge consequences, multiplied many times over. Your encouragement of just one person can lead to many other lives being touched.

Your penmanship may not be perfect, but perhaps God will use you today to write a personal note to someone. Yes, it’s old-school, but sometimes old-school expressions like a hand-written note stand out in our expedient, tech-driven world.

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You Are Needed!

Ryan Marcella

You are exactly what your church needs right now. The last thing you need to do is get out of the way of the young people and let them completely take over. We need you.

God’s plan for the church has never been to hand the keys of ministry to just one generation. Over and over again, the Bible gives us a picture of intergenerational ministry: multiple generations working and growing together to accomplish the mission God has given them.

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Pivoting to a Better Normal

Wes Wick

Pivot” is a word most ministry leaders heard repeatedly over the past nine months, emphasizing we can’t go about business as usual. And pivoting will be a recurring theme as we grow older.

Our prayer for individuals and churches is that we’ll continue pivoting toward a better normal, as God and His Word direct, not settling for some of the missteps that were all too common in “the good ol’ days.”

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